CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Whitney Smith, Brian Smith and Dorothy Burks are the Leaders. They with a host of helpers teach our Children at 11 AM on Sunday’s and 7 PM on Wednesday’s. You want to talk about fruit bearing! These precious children ages 3 to 12 put many of us to shame with their unabashed vocal proclamation of their love for Jesus and with their memory verses from His Word.
YOUTH MINISTRY: Brian&Stephanie Etter lead this Mininstry. Some how, some way they manage to capture this busy and techy generations attention each Wednesday night at 7pm.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY: We truly love to meet each month and study God’s Word. Brittany Smith is the Leader. She has 80 ladies that she ministers to regularly through emails and monthly Bible Studies. She also keeps us updated on Prayer meetings and events. She is our connection to Mom’s in Prayer and The Women in Prayer in our County.
MEN’S MINISTRY: Tim Elliott is the Leader of the Men’s Ministry. They meet each month for Bible Study but this is just the tip of the iceberg of this Ministry. They form groups that go out into the County and assist the sick, elderly, widows and even make time to do some plumbing, yard work, and car repairs (just to name a few)for those of us who are mechanically challenged.
Sunday School: Discipleship Training is a vital part of our Church. We know that Jesus meant it when HE said “go and make Disciples”. We strive with all our hearts to follow HIS command inside and out of the 4 walls of our Church building. Teachers of each class pour prayer and study time into each lesson. Students are encouraged to commit God’s Word to memory and life.